This year in Spanish class we have been watching a Spanish movie called 'El Bola' (which means 'The pellet).Every Thursday since the start of the year we have been watching it in class,and this week we finished the movie.It was a very realistic movie;nothing like what I usually watch.It is about a boy named Pablo (his nickname is Bola) who lives in Madrid with his mother,father and grandmother.Its a sad movie because the Pablos father abuses him.Pablo has no friends but a new boy,called Alfredo,comes to his school and they quickly become friends by bonding in a theme park.Alferdo begins to suspect that pablo is getting hurt at home but I'm not going to give away the ending;but its a really good movie even if you don't understand Spanish theres English subtitles so I would definitely recommend you watch it.
Spanish class in transition year is very different from 3rd year.This year I have a new teacher and even tough everyone says TYs a waste of a year its not;in spanish we have learnt loads of new things.We did mini projects on our favourite films on the computer and printed them out.Now they are in the spanish room on the back wall.ANd we revised some things from last year like how to talk about ourselves and families.
Next week our spanish teacer said that we are going to be learning how to talk about music in spanish.
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